Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Designing Circuits

Hi there! Thanks for making time to check in with my project =)

Over the past two weeks, I have increased the amount of research and started to design circuits! By designing circuits, I can have a plan of what to do before I test it. I want to make around 2-3 different designs and then over the next few weeks, start to actually make them, which is the fun part!

Right below I have put a picture of a very basic design that I have drawn out. Essentially, there needs to be two electrodes (conductors through which electricity enters or leaves an object) inside saltwater and they need to be connected to an LED light. From the research I've done, I found that the light will have maximum brightness and efficiency when the distance 'r' between the electrodes is large.

Basic idea of what I need to do.

In future posts, expect to see pictures of the circuits I experiment with. I hope it is successful! Then, after I finalize the circuit, I can work on incorporating it into a flashlight. I am at the most challenging stage of my project, but it is also the most exciting part. 

Come back in a few weeks for more!!



  1. This is an interesting idea! Very out-of-the-box and I think the way you have created your own prototype of this is just proves your inventiveness to the world. Intrigued to see the photos and hope you have enough time to successfully complete your project.

  2. Nandita, your project is actually very cool! I like how you are designing your own circuit to make a flashlight! Although I am not that knowledgable in how to help you in your next step, I wish you the best of luck in everything. When it gets challenging, your passion for the project will help you to keep going. Good luck with everything and I can't wait to see your other pictures and your end result!

  3. Good job with putting out a drawing and i like how the idea is complex yet simple at the same time. In the next blog post id love to see a very rough prototype of what this flashlight would look. On another note, I really like the background of the blog.

  4. This is awesome! Hopefully you can start testing things and checking what prototypes work and do not. Additionally, do you know where you are going to buy your materials from? Good Luck!

  5. Wow I can't believe the progress! It is amazing that you are so close to creating a flashlight powered by salt water! Hopefully you will soon be able to share this invention with the world. Good luck.

  6. Hey this is amazing! You have your rough sketch and research and things are up and running! Did you talk to any physics teachers about your project?
